3 Factors To Consider Before Cutting Down a Tree on Your Property

When a tree on your property begins to look unhealthy, you may wonder if you need to remove it. While trees are extremely beneficial, cutting down one that carries illness, was damaged by a storm or is simply at the end of its life can improve your property’s appearance; however, before you call for tree removal, there are a few factors you may want to consider before doing so.
1. Check for Damage
Sometimes trees become damaged either by high winds, snow loads and especially long winters. Multiple broken branches may signify that the tree itself is weak and may need treatment. If the trunk is visibly damaged by discoloration or rot, you may need to call for a tree removal service to assist you.
2. Note the Location of Dead Branches
The location of dead branches on a tree may tell you what kind of issue you are facing. If each side of the tree has dead branches, its roots may be compromised or the tree requires improved irrigation. If all the dead branches are present on one side, this may mean the tree’s roots are growing weak and the tree may eventually lean to one side. Dead branches are usually a symptom of a deeper problem, so you may want to have a tree removal team examine your tree before making the decision to cut it down.
3. Check for Sprouts Near the Trunk
Trees can experience stress and give clear signs of the problem, such as sprouting near the trunk in the spring or summer. You can reduce this issue by ensuring the tree is getting the right amount of water and that it is not affected by plumbing pipes, soil erosion or tainted groundwater.
It is not always easy to know whether a sick or damaged tree on your property will recover or which steps you can take to save it, if possible. Working with tree removal professionals can help you feel more confident about any decision you make.